NBR Seals

NBR stands for Nitrile Butadiene Rubber, a versatile synthetic rubber that is suitable for a wide range of applications.

NBR seals are flexible and can withstand a maximum temperature of up to +120°C.

NBR is suitable for use with food & dairy products and is known for its high resistance to animal fat and vegetable oils. They have excellent resistance to water, gases, fats, oils, fuels, and lubricants, as well as hydraulic fluids. However, NBR seals are not recommended for use with strong acids or ketones. 

The Metal Company supply White Nitrile rubber for food grade quality (FQ) flange gaskets. Blue nitrile rubber is used for standard RJT stepped seals and DIN O-ring seals. Black nitrile rubber is used for camlock gaskets.

For further information on NBR seal compatibility, you can visit the technical information section of our website, where we have chemical compatibility charts available.

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NBR Seals

NBR stands for Nitrile Butadiene Rubber, a versatile synthetic rubber that is suitable for a wide range of applications.

NBR seals are flexible and can withstand a maximum temperature of up to +120°C.

NBR is suitable for use with food & dairy products and is known for its high resistance to animal fat and vegetable oils. They have excellent resistance to water, gases, fats, oils, fuels, and lubricants, as well as hydraulic fluids. However, NBR seals are not recommended for use with strong acids or ketones. 

The Metal Company supply White Nitrile rubber for food grade quality (FQ) flange gaskets. Blue nitrile rubber is used for standard RJT stepped seals and DIN O-ring seals. Black nitrile rubber is used for camlock gaskets.

For further information on NBR seal compatibility, you can visit the technical information section of our website, where we have chemical compatibility charts available.

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